FREE Book Reveals
HOW Coaches Are Filling Their Programs FAST... even if no-one knows who they are right now
"Phenomenal work, every health &
fitness professional needs to read this!"
- AJ Mihrzad
2x Best Selling Author & Online Business Mentor
"You're in great hands if you're looking to stand out in a crowded market & get skilled at writing words that get cash"

- Vince Del Monte
Best Selling Author
Founder of 7 Figure Mastermind
"When it comes to writing high converting copy that stands out, Joey's stuff is about as good as it gets.”

- Zander Fryer
CEO & Founder Of Sh*t You Don't
Learn In College
Best-selling health & fitness marketing guide reveals How TO: 
💡Create content that kills
💡Craft copy that converts
💡Master the science of selling
...WITHOUT selling out
Order today and your free Book includes instant access to these three exclusive bonuses
  • 6-Figure Sales Copy Scorecard: Eight overlooked elements of ethical persuasion that must be melted into high performing sales copy.
  • Unique Competitive Advantage Training: Discover the secrets to crafting irresistible sales messages only YOU can offer.
  • Implementation Guide: Step-by-step action steps to infuse insights into your marketing so you start seeing more sales and leads almost overnight.
Want to Dramatically Increase Sales & Make ALL Future Promotions Wildy Profitable...
WITHOUT Being A Good Writer?
From The Desk Of Joey Percia
Fist Pumpin' New Jersey
May 2019

Hola, friend... 

Ever wonder... 

How some businesses have an ENDLESS flow of high quality clients practically throwing money at them... 

...While others have trouble finding ONE? 

And what life MIGHT be like if you could do the same?

If you had the skills to enroll premium clients WITHOUT wasting years trying to build a massive following. 

Or the ability to fill your programs WITHOUT over the top marketing crap? 

And if you were able to do it with relative ease? 

Even with all the new coaches and trainers coming out of the woodwork on a daily basis. 

If so, then you're in the right place... 

Because if you've ever wanted to MAGNETIZE and enroll premium-priced clients into your coaching, consulting, or professional services... 

This might be the most important page you'll ever read. 

Today, I'm going to give you an opportunity to get a copy the best-selling book these industry leaders and professionals are raving about on this page. 

And the best part? 

I purchased a copy of my own book for you... 

And I'm going to send it to you for (pretty much) FREE. I'll just ask for you to cover a small shipping, handling, and processing. 
Once you discover the secrets found inside the FREE book, you'll have the answer to all those questions... plus a whole lot more. 

And when you finally get this down? 

 The message you were meant to share will spread like wildfire... and you'll impact more people than ever before. 

You won't be dismissed... you won't be ignored... and your message won't get lost in the noise. 

Because you'll finally have the keys that make it all possible..

Once you know how to create content that kills, craft copy that converts, and how to master the science of selling premium clients... WITHOUT sounding or feeling like a sell out. 

Nothing will ever be the same! 

Bold claim? Ahhh, you might say that... 

BUT I only say that because that's exactly what happened to me (and dozens of others) when I first discovered this "whole new world..."

A "world" that changed my life.

Here, let me tell you ALL about it... 
But First, A Warning... 
Before we continue...

I want to slap a big ol' steaming pile of truth on the table.

This isn't a "get rich quick" scheme or a money making pyramid plan where I tell you to hard close your little cousin, aunts, nieces, and nephews. 

I won't promise you'll collect Rockafella level wealth & riches from your couch, eating sleeve after sleeve of Oreos, while binging NetFlix's shows. 

You gotta put this stuff to work if you want the payoff. 


Everything you'll discover in this best-selling book is working great for me, and countless other health and fitness businesses that I partner with. 

These are people who care about their business and the people they're helping. 

These aren't the type of people running churn-n-burn offers where they just try to get as many people through the door as possible just to make a few bucks... 

They push em off to the side for the next dolla dolla bill. 

I ain't about that life. My partners ain't about that life. My clients ain't about that life. 

The people who will get the most out of this book? 

Ain't about that life. 
If you're not about that churn-n-burn life? 

And you care about what you do... About helping people... About changing lives... And about making a wealth of riches while doing it? 

I think you're going to love this book too! 

As long as you put what's inside into action.  (Don't worry, I made it super actionable for you!) 

I'm NOT suggesting premium clients would show up to your virtual (or real) doorstep WITHOUT putting this stuff into action. 

Rest assured... There's already THOUSANDS of health and fitness professionals around the world implementing these little-known strategies with ease. 

If I were a betting man... here's the bet I would place 10/10

I'd bet against a coach NOT using the strategies found inside this book if he were put up against a coach with this magical FREE copy it his hand... 

Especially if he has already read and applied a just a FEW of the easy quick action steps. 

I'm telling you, I'd bet on that 10 times out of 10.  I'm choosing the coach who knows these secrets. 
Hey, i'm Joey... 
Hey, my name is Joey Percia...

But people call me J-bone. 

I'm kidding. No one calls me that. That's a terrible nickname. 

If you don’t know me, I’m a former fitness pro turned Offer Architect and RAINMAKER. 

In short, people come to me when they want to "make it rain." 

Because I help businesses create more influence, build more wealth, and impact more people. 

I also run one of the select FEW paid-on-performance marketing firms...  

Which means, I partner with businesses to create NEW 5-6 figure paychecks WITHOUT them lifting a finger... And we don’t get paid unless our clients get paid. 

Overpriced consultants and “experts” like to make bold claims, but when it comes to delivering you the result, they fall faster than me chasing down the ice cream truck. 

The copy I’ve written in the last 2 years has made my clients millions and millions. But it wasn’t always like this.

For years I struggled to ‘make it’ online. When I first started trying to build my fitness business, I felt like I was sitting on the sidelines while everyone else was scoring big. 

I felt like everyone around me knew something I didn’t... 

... The hack to making ‘easy’ money they weren't telling me. 

... The powerful trick to make people want to work with them. 

... The natural talent to build tribes of people and change their lives. 

Until one day I discovered ONE skill which allowed me to increase my income, buy back my time, and get what I want out of business and life. 

Copywriting & marketing... 

...Or I like to refer to it as "words that make the cash register go *DING*"

I’ve personally written copy for over 100 clients in 35+ differentindustries.

Throw in all the other people who’ve invested in my courses, books, training’s, masterminds, consulting, programs, and those numbers sky-rocket.

Which means I’ve had big wins. And I’ve also had flops which most goo-roos will never admit. 

But now I know what works and what doesn’t. So that’s the upside. 

The other upside is... 

>>> I share this stuff in my book "Why Do You Hate Money?"...

This is the book experts are calling it “the health and fitness marketing bible.”

Every day I get tagged in comments by entrepreneurs using the book to grow their business, help more people, and live a more fulfilling life. 

 The book has already helped thousands of experts all over the world...

Today, I want to give you a FREE signed copy of the book so you experience the same. 

Why You Need To Read This Book
You're probably asking yourself "why should I read this book?"

Well, this is the book I wish someone gave me the day I decided to build a fitness business. 

Not because it’s the most comprehensive copywriting & marketing book. 

Because it’s an easy to follow guide that shows you everything you NEED to know how to write in a way that influences people to take action...

... Especially if you weren’t blessed with the skill of writing (because I sure as hell wasn’t.)

My purpose of my book is to help you reach your dream and goals. 

I will give you the tools to take you from where you are right now to where you want to be. I will show you how to communicate, how to achieve goals for YOUR future customers and clients. 

I know how powerful this can be because it changed my life... 

I was finally able to help more clients without faking before and after pictures or doing some other shady tricks coaches use now. 

It gave me more money, freedom, power than I ever had. 

And it wasn't until I learned how to leverage these skills on social media, email, and messaging that I FINALLY felt like I have control over my business. 

I want to help you do the same.
Here's Who This Book Is For
  • Trainers who know they need to market themsleves in an authentic way if they want to make a change. 
  • Coaches who hate selling and have a hard time selling themselves without feeling sleazy
  • Gym owners who want to pack their gym, create a family environment and make an impactful change in their community
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use authenticity to persuade, influence, and get people to buy.
  • Anyone who wants to help people while making more money and gaining freedom in their life.
  • Anyone who is not a natural born writer and wants to learn how to close high-ticket coaching packages using nothing but your words. 
for a limited time only
BONUS Worth over $197...
Yours FREE WHen you order today
6-figure sales copy scorecard
I created the 6-figure Sales Copy Scorecard to quickly and easily pinpoint the biggest leverage points in pieces of sales copy. 

When working with clients to improve their sales copy and increase sales... I noticed EIGHT reoccurring themes that high-performing copy had. 

Whenever we tweaked these 8 pieces, or simply made sure they were involved, we saw boosts in response and sales. So I created a series of questions in each category. 

Simply ask yourself the question on the 6-Figure Scorecard to get crystal clear on where your biggest swings in connection, conversion, and conversation are. 
I created this private training for a high-level mastermind with folks making 6,7 figure — a couple 8 figure earners.  

Inside, I go deep into the secrets for crafting an irresistible sales messages only YOU can offer.

Things that make YOU unique... make YOU irresistible... that make YOU the only option for your people. And how you can leverage those unique things into your sales messages. 

Get this right and you can’t be imitated... and everyone who tries to rip you off will fall flat of their face.
Implementation guide
I'm also going to send you my step-by-step implementation guide... 

This walks you through every chapter of the book... and turns each lesson into actionable steps. 

Implementing these exercises that I layout for you, will help infuse these powerful marketing insights into your messages. 

 So, if you want to start seeing more sales and leads almost overnight? 

This implementation guide is going to be your new best buddy. 

Customers tell me this guide alone is worth 20x what they paid for the book. 

I agree, but I'm biased :-), so I'll let you decide. 
Here's my crazy 110% DOUBLE Guarantee
Guarantee #1: 110% Money Back

You're either thrilled with your investment in the book and THREE special bonuses... or I'll send ya 110% of your money back. The extra 10% is for an espresso shot because you're gonna need the caffeine to find whatever hidden insight you're looking for. 

Guarantee #2: Yours Forevaaaa

 If for some reason you don't love the book you get to keep the book and all the bonuses I send you completely free. Donate it, give it a colleague, heck -- use it to start a fire. 
So, What's it gonna be friend?
Every day you wait to read this book you lose out a little bit. 

You lose money, time, freedom, and happiness. You lose the ability to help people who desperately need your help. 

If you have a gift to help people you need to do everything in your power to help them. 

Whether you’re just starting your career, you have a successful business you want to scale and establish authority for, or you just want to learn successful copywriting and marketing strategies to get more in business and life... this book will help you do that.

If you want to learn marketing secrets to write words that sell like a million-dollar copywriter (without actually being one), click the button and order your FREE copy today

After you read this book, the ball will be in your court.

It’s time to take your fate into your own hands. 
What other successful health & fitness experts Are Saying About The Book 
"Phenomenal work man, every fitness professional needs to read this!"

- AJ Mihrzad
2x Best Selling Author
Online Business Mentor
"Joey, is one of the people I learned from... the response has been quite good, is an understatement"

- Jason Helmes
Founder of Anyman Fitness 
Rockstar Dad
"An unfair advantage over your competitors and will accelerate your learning curve"

- Eric Bach
CEO & Founder of Bach Performance 
Inside you'll discover...
  • Done-for-you templates you can implement in your business TODAY... they’re virtually dummy proof.
  • Unique client-generating formula to turn complete strangers into raving fans before you ever say a single word to them. 
  • Cure writer's block once and for all! Plus THIRTEEN proven ways to spark creativity and new ideas
  • Read the mind of your customers and get them to say "Wow, I feel like you're speaking directly to me!"
  • Turn the most common marketing mistakes into deal closing strengths.
  • My "Stupidly-Simple Sales Funnel"checklist and why it's important to increasing profit in your business... this puts all those complicaten Franken-Funnels to shame. 
  • Craft attention-grabbing headlines that stop scrolling readers in their tracks. This works so good, even your worst enemy can't ignore them. 
  • Tell captivating stories that ​SUCK people into your world. Plus easy to follow storytelling ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
  • How to create high engagement social media content that magnetized your perfect client and repels the tire-kicking migrange causing clients that make your life a living hell
  • FIVE little-known ways to suck readers into your writing even if you're not a "writer." This is how I get people to read 1,500 word Facebook posts like clockwork. 
  • Undercover ways to get other people to pre-sell and sell FOR YOU... even if they don't realize they're doing it. This is actually one of the best ways to market yourself! 
  • THIRTEEN irresistible lead magnet ideas to magnetize new people into your world and win their trust by taking them on an amazing "first date." 
  • Finding your own voice and standing out in an overcrowded market. In a world where everyone sounds the same, this is your new competitive edge. 
  • SEVEN 'mind reading' questions you desperately need the answers to if you want to make your clients feel understood, safe, and reassured that you're the BEST solution for them
  • How to use premiums, bonuses to crafting an offer that makes buying a 'no-brainer.' HINT: it's about wayyyyyy more than price. 
  • How to pump out cash-generating emails like a million dollar copywriter in 30 minutes or less even if you're not a good writer. 
  • Underground copy & marketing "editing tricks" to take your messages from good to great. This sepereates the amateurs and the pros. 
Here's a recap of
everything you get today

Best-selling book:
 “Why Do You Hate Money"

Discover the secrets to creating content that kills, crafting copy that converts, and mastering the science of selling WITHOUT selling out. This will easily become your competitive advantage in the health and fitness industry. 
Free Bonus #1:
6-Figure Sales Copy 
My personal scorecard to pinpoint the biggest leverage points in your messages for easy, fast, and quick wins…so you can start generating more leads and customers today. 
Free Bonus #2:
Your unique competitive advantage
Go deep into the secrets for crafting an irresistible sales messages only YOU can offer. Things that make YOU unique... make YOU irresistible... that make YOU the only option for your people. And how you can leverage those unique things into your sales messages. 
Free Bonus #3:
Implementation guide
You'll get my step-by-step action step that'll help infuse these powerful insights into your marketing. If you want to start seeing more sales and leads almost overnight... this is your best opportunity. Customers tell me this guide alone is worth 20x what they paid for the book. I agree, but I'm biased :-) 
30-day 110%
Money-back gurantee
You're either thrilled with your investment in Why Do You Hate Money and these THREE special bonuses, or I'll send ya 110% of your money back. The extra 10% is for an extra espresso shot because you're gonna need the caffeine to read through tons of other books and resources to find what you're looking for. 
"yours forevaaaa" gurantee
On top of your 110% of your money-back... if for some reason you don't love the book you get to keep the book and all the bonuses I send you completely free. Donate it, give it a colleague, heck -- use it to start a fire. 
Why's This Book 100% FREE?
You might be wondering... If this book is so good, why in the heck are you giving it away for FREE? 

Well, there are a few reasons why I'm doing it:

*1. My hidden agenda* 

I'll be honest with you, I have a hidden agenda. I'm giving you the book for FREE because I want give you a ton of value up front and get you results. 

I want you to put it into action and reap the rewards. I want you to see (and experience results FIRST-HAND.) Some people call it "results in advance." 

I just call it helping people. 

Plus, if you and I get along... There's a good chance you'll come to me when you want to really take your sales and marketing to the next level. 

Maybe we'll work together on a partnership level... Maybe we'll do an offer upgrade session... Maybe I'll show you how we're filling up premium priced programs WITHOUT hour-long sales calls?

Or maybe we'll grab tacos together some time? 

*2. Shortcut 

Quite frankly, one of the reasons I first wrote this book was because I had such a hard time deciphering all the copywriting, sales, and marketing stuff I was learning and implementing. 

I wasted so much time and money on coaches, courses, and other bullshit that never really helped me. 

So I decided to create the book on sales and marketing that I WISH someone else put together...because it would have made my life a million times easier. 

*3. Real-deal case studies

Since any dick or harry can throw up a website, blank out some screenshots, and claim to get money-making results with clients? 

There are lots of people out there claiming to be 'experts.'  And it's pretty hard to know who's legit and who's full of it. 

As you can see on this page, this book is a favorite of MANY legit health, fitness, and wellness professionals. 

People who're leading from the front... getting jaw-dropping results with clients... and changing the game. 

Well, I want to expand that reach and help even more people. 

A FREE book, seemed like a pretty simple way to do it. 

Here's What People Are Saying About
"Why Do You Hate Money?"

"This Is A Must Read For Anyone Trying To Grow Their Fitness Business"
 What's The Next Step
💥 Step #1: Click the button below to grab your special copy of "Why Do You Hate Money" for free FREE.

💥 Step #2: When your book comes in the  mail read it cover to cover, take notes, and start taking action. 

💥 Step #3: Get more clients, grow your following, and make more money... WITHOUT any slimy or salesly stuff that doesn't sit right with you. 

💥 Step #4: Share it with your friends, family, and anyone else who wants to be awesome. 
  • Millions in sales: Copy & marketing "brain" & implementer for over 100 clients in 35+ different industries with multiple millions in sales. 
  • ​Author of Amazon #1 Best Seller: Author of "Why Do You Hate Money?". Referred to as "the health, fitness, and wellness marketing bible."
  • Proud husband, dad, son, brother, and friend: Because it ain't JUST about makin' it rain. Ya feel me? 
A highly sought-after customer acquisition and monetization specialist... 

Joey Percia works with coaches, consultants, and trainers to enroll more clients into their programs. 

With clients in multiple countries and 36 different industries, he’s helped generate multiple millions in sales over the last two years alone. 

"Why Do You Hate Money?" has been referred to as “the health, fitness, and wellness marketing bible” by industry-leading experts and is said to be a must-read for anyone in the industry. 
This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. 

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures stated are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. 

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